Genial, Die Otto Gruppe gibt Echtzeit Einblick in den „Maschinenraum der Otto Group“. Am 8.12.2014 wurde ein internes Dashboard Live ins Netz gestreamt das allerhand interessante Daten über den Weihnachtskaufrausch anzeigte. Neben den aktuellen Warenkorb Umsätzen, Top Produkten und einer Landkarte waren dort Live Suchanfragen zu sehen. Klar nicht alle Suchen, aber mit ~6 % […]
nach 8 Stunden fahrt von Münster nach Berlin kamen wir am Freitag gegen Nacht einigermaßen geschafft am Müggelsee an. Der vorherige Abstecher nach Friedrichshain bewährte sich prompt und so genossen wir ein paar Biere und Pizza bevor wir zur letzten Runde in der Captains Bar stießen. In dieser nur noch kleinen Runde trafen […]
PhantomJS is a scriptable headless WebKit Browser. It is great for automatic website testing, site scraping, screenshot creation, page speed monitoring and many more things. Its Javascript API is pretty straightforward and easy to use. Beside some other projects, i wanted to use it to check how sites react […]
I try to keep an up-to-date list of all registered .de domains. Since the Denic does not publish the .de zone file, it „has“ to be reverse engineered [1]. In this article i am going to cover one approach i recently tested. I wanted to see how many .com domains are also registered as .de domains […]
How to increase your productivity by 200%
Its 2012, we need agile tools and workflows to cover the needs of our lean operations. We need actionable metrics, track everything and manage top talents without getting in their ways… Projectmanagement is dead. Long live Projectmanagement…
When you grow your team, you will very soon […]
Hey there, we needed a Typogenerator in Javascript. You can find the result on Github:
It produces „Wrong Key Typos“, „Missed Characters“, „Transposed Characters“, „Double Characters“ and „flipped Bit Typos“ aka „Cosmic Rays“ and can be used to check Domain- or Keywordtypos.
So you’ve got magento installed and found a nice magento base theme to use for your custom theme. You can use the following .hgignore file to exclude everything – except the custom theme files – from beeing added to your mercurial repository.
I found this amazing time lapse view from space today and thought: Sometimes its good to lean back and zoom out…
Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS from Michael König on Vimeo.
Time lapse sequences of photographs taken by Ron Garan and […]
I keep showing this Ted Video from 2006 to people who have to deal with statistics and data analysis, or those who should. In this video, the doctor and researcher Hans Rosling busts some myths about the so-called developing world. There is some criticism on […]
Although i have tried many apps to make music directly on and with the iPad, nothing really made me feel at home. So i still use Logic to record and create music. But today i ran across „TouchOSC“ a really great app that let’s you control your sequencer and software instruments with the iPad (sending […]